Rebecca Ritsick, 16


Q: How does your style fit in with the styles of the Valley?
A: I think it’s pretty much the same as everyone else. It’s comfortable and warm when I have to be.

Q: Where do you get your style or fashion knowledge from?
A: I read Seventeen a lot.

Q: Top three wardrobe staples?
A: Sweaters, leggings and moccasins

Q: Addicted to buying?
A: Underwear or socks

Q: Store you can always find something in?
A: American Eagle Outfitters

Q: Beauty essentials?
A: I paint my nails a lot so probably nail polish.

Q: Most prominent color in your wardrobe?
A: Purple

Q: An item you would love to splurge on if money weren’t a concern?
A: I would probably buy a lot of shoes.

Q: Trend you want to try?
A: I want to try to wear hats more.

Q: Fashion trend you wish you never followed?
A: I used to wear those little bows in my hair in like seventh grade. It was bad.

Wearing now: American Eagle Outfitters leggings, sweater and sunglasses, Payless boots, Hallmark scarf

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